Deep Dive Days


Deep Dive Days


To participate in a Deep Dive Day (DDD) a freediver must:

  • Be 18 years of age or older(16 years with parent or guardian consent).
  • Be certified as a minimum as an AIDA 2 Freediver or equivalent level by an International organisation OR be in the process of completing a certification with Freediving Gold Coast.
  • Have completed the AIDA Medical Form.
  • Have completed the Liability Release form.
  • Freediving Safety Lanyard (mandatory – hire option available).


Deep freediving in Australia is not a myth! For the best freediving in Australia, our usual dive site allows us to dive to a maximum of 45 metres deep and it’s only a 20 minutes boat trip from shore. Freediving Gold Coast is the deepest freediving school in Australia and the only freediving school in Australia with our own purpose built boat offering you regular boat trips for regular depth training. This is a freediving school – you will be on the boat with only freedivers – not scuba divers.  We provide depth divers the opportunity to practice the deep freediving disciplines in all the depth they need to improve for maximal performances in competition, reaching personal bests or just more enjoyable depth dives. Train safely your free immersion, constant weight with no fins, bifins or monofins. Allowable depths are commensurate with a diver’s certification level.  Each Deep Dive Day typically consists of 2 sessions of deep freediving of approximately 75 to 90 minutes each or three hours in total. Pick up times are dependent on weather and sea conditions and are confirmed 24 hours prior to the day. These freediving days are typically from 7am to 11,30am departing from in front of the Southport Amateur Fishing Club (unless otherwise notified) – see FAQ.

Freediving Gold Coast welcomes freedivers from other international organisations who wish to have a DDD out with us to continue to practice, maintain and challenge their skills. The saying “if you don’t use it you lose it”  very much applies to depth diving in the ocean. DDD are also ideal opportunities for students to further practice diving to meet course standards for certification (if the standards were not achieved during their enrolled course). Please note that the cost of a DDD ticket is cheaper if you buy more tickets. Purchasing a casual dive ticket is the most expensive option.

Medical Conditions

If you tick “Yes” to any medical conditions on the medical form you must see your General Practitioner prior to attending your course. Download Medical Form Here. Please complete the Medical Form and present to your Instructor at the beginning of your course.

Cancellation Policy: The full details of our cancellation policy can be found under FAQ. Please read prior to booking any courses. DDD may be postponed due to weather conditions. As such we endevour to to re-schedule the DDD as soon as weather conditions permit. 

  • Freediving Gold Coast attempts to go diving in the ocean every weekend and at least once mid-week. We are very good at predicting good diving conditions but it is very difficult to predict a specific dive date until about three days out. As such we sell tickets to a Deep Dive Day. Once you have purchased a ticket or a book of tickets (cheaper by the book ) you will go on a priority list and notified by email  when a DDD is planned. Then please respond asap by email if you wish to confirm that date and to ensure you don't miss out.  

    For more information and description on wetsuit sizes please see FAQ.



Freediving Gold Coast TV

In this Youtube video Cristy describes how it is possible to dive to 50 metres depth off the Gold Coast – a good 30 minute boat trip from the Gold Coast Seaway. Most of our DDD are within 30 to 40 metres depending on the certification level and capabilities of the freedivers on board. 

Or check out this 41m CWT dive by AIDA Instructor Trainer, Clinton Laurence.